Does this say Welcome?

Does this say Welcome?
Does this say Welcome?

Sunday 8 January 2012

Homes of New England Inspire....

In 2008 I spent a few years going back and forth between Vancouver and Ipswich, Massachussettes. This period of time really amped up my interest in the Street Appeal of homes. The Americans are amazing at preserving their somewhat youthful history and it really shows in the Heritage homes of New England. Even the smalles and simplest Salt Box homes gave off a feeling of character, warmth and welcome. Things as simple as the homes color or trim color combined with the original wood features of 100 years ago, make them all so charming. In these homes are where I came to understand that less really can be more. Simplicity is something that can also emit a deep sense of interest. Sometimes more so than the newest homes today with all of the fancy details. I now try to look beyond what is already there or what could be added to a homes exterior and first try to imagine what I might take away.

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